Integrative Psychiatry

Medication Management: Psychotropic medications are an important aspect of treating and managing symptoms, but rarely work on their own in treating the complex nature of mental health conditions. Research has shown that medications work optimally when used along side of psychotherapy, which is why we strongly encourage all of our patients to be working with a licensed therapist.

  • Private Pay Fees: $250 to become a patient. Then $150 per appointment afterwards.

    • Monthly subscription-based payments are an option

  • Accepting a limited number of Medicaid/Husky insurance patients (currently full).

  • Please read more about our Treatment Modalities by clicking here.

Connecticut Medical Marijuana Program: Medical marijuana, or cannabis, has been clinically proven to be helpful in symptom management for a wide array of medical, neurological, and mental health conditions. Clinical documentation of your condition is required to be considered. Those without clinical documentation are considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • $150 for approvals and renewals (Cash/Credit only) for those who qualify. Find out more about the program here.

Pharmacogenetic Testing with GeneSight®: This is a fancy word which means that we use your genes in deciding which medication might be the safest and most effective for you. We can send the test kit directly to you so you can perform the test in the comforts and safety of your own home, or it can be picked up at our office. GeneSight also offers a test to check if your body converts folic acid properly, called the MTHFR Test. The test is covered by most insurances; however, you will be required to pay GeneSight the amount your insurance company does not cover.

  • Learn more about GeneSight’s cost by clicking here.

  • See a sample test report for psychotropic medication by clicking here.

  • See a sample test report for the MTHFR Test by clicking here.

  • To better understand your results, we strongly recommend a virtual or in-person appointment to go over the results together.

    • The cost for the provider to order the test, interpret the results, draft a detailed summary, and have a virtual/in-person appointment to review everything is $150

General Labs: An important and often neglected area of psychiatry is checking and monitoring labs. Some medical conditions and abnormal levels can mimic mental health symptoms, which can be easily treated. This is typically done at the beginning of treatment to get baseline levels, then repeated periodically to monitor for any changes. Be sure to check with your insurance company before getting your bloodwork done to avoid surprise costs.

Routine labs we order are:

  • Complete blood count (CBC)

  • Comprehensive metabolic panel and kidney function tests

  • Thyroid function test

  • Vitamin D, B12, and B9 levels

  • Lipids and triglycerides

  • C-Reactive Protein (CRP) to measure inflammation

  • Lithium level (if taking lithium)

  • Drug toxicology if applicable

  • Many more based on your needs and medical history

Auricular Acupuncture: Experience the healing benefits of auricular (ear) acupuncture through the NADA protocol. This involves placing tiny needles or seeds/beads in your ears for up to 30 minutes in a group setting, combined with relaxing music and tea. Read more about this service.

Nutritional Psychiatry and Apothecary: As more research is coming out, there is now a better understanding of how key vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and nutrients play a role in mental health. It can be difficult navigating the confusing and complex world of vitamins and dietary supplements, so we have narrowed down a group of key vitamins, nutrients, and substances that have a profound influence on one’s mental health. Check out our nutrition section for more details on specific products we recommend.

We have the ability to be fully telehealth with your safety and convenience in mind. Our primary goal is to make sure that we provide the best care to our patients. In some cases, the limitations of telehealth and outpatient services do not provide the level of care that we think you deserve. On a case-by-case basis, we can still provide feedback, temporary services, and assistance with referral options. Contact us for more information.