Auricular Acupuncture

In-person groups at our Madison office location to be announced later this Spring/Summer of 2023

$25 - $50 per person

  • 3 or 5 points on one ear = $25

  • 3 or 5-points on both ears = $50

Contact us if you are interested in our upcoming groups.

What is it?

Auricular acupuncture is derived from the ancient Chinese practice of acupuncture which involves placing small needles in various part of the body. This type of acupuncture is focused solely on the ear. It is believed in Eastern philosophy that all living things have energy called Qi (or Chi) which is a life force that flows through meridians in your body. These meridians are connected to organs in the body and also influence emotional, psychological, and spiritual states of being. The theory behind auricular acupuncture is that your ear is a place where all the meridians integrate and gently placing small needles can treat your entire body by manipulating the Qi and restoring its balance.

We have been trained by the National Acupuncture Detoxification Association (NADA) that utilizes a 5-point protocol. NADA, from Spanish = Nothing. The treatment approach contains no-nonsense, is non-verbal, uses no-drugs, and has no-barriers.

What are the benefits?

The key benefits of the NADA protocol are reduced cravings for alcohol, drugs, and nicotine; minimized withdrawal symptoms; increased calmness, improved sleep, less agitation; relief from stress and emotional trauma; easier connection with counseling, and a discovery of inner quiet and strength.

What can I expect?

Before the procedure you will be asked to sign a consent form. You are expected to inform us if you are pregnant, fitted with a pacemaker, using a TENS unit, allergic to any metals, currently taking the medication Antabuse, or have any blood disorders like hemophilia. We will then insert up to 5 needles in your ear at your request or provide you with seeds/beads if you decide against needles. The appointment typically involves other people receiving acupuncture with you in a group setting. We ask that you minimize talking and distractions during the session which lasts around 30 minutes. There will be relaxing music playing in the background with optional aromatherapies and tea available. When you are ready, we will take the needles out and offer you seeds/beads to be placed in your ears to continue the effect of the treatment for several days.

What are the 5 points in the ear?

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  1. Sympathetic point: Balances nervous system and emotional response to stress, has a strong analgesic and relaxant effect, calms the spirit

  2. Shen Men point: This means “Spirit Gate” and helps reduce anxiety and nervousness, produces an overall sense of calmness, and opens connections to your heart and spirit

  3. Kidney point: In Eastern medicine, the kidney stores to source energy and the essence, or Jing, this point helps reduce fear and increase will power

  4. Liver point: In Eastern medicine, the liver is associated with resolving anger and aggression, stimulating this point will aid in reducing anger and help connect you with your internal self and find direction

  5. Lung point: Helps improve breathing, remove toxins from cigarette smoking, and also aids in the grieving process and letting go

We look forward to providing you with this treatment and experience. Contact us with any questions.